
☆{i want watch at night, maybe‥it's like shooting star.

Subsidence of the mound by time progress and special intensity calculation are included in this formula.

ё{Revival of East Japan wishes not to become a victim of the Japanese bureaucrat village.☆⌒η~(∵~{Yes, it is♪

The Review of tsunami-bank by forest. {What length of the mound does the rubble realize?

⌒η~(∵~{Follow-up! : At the interview of TV report, local people had stated candid advice. It is the opinion about the fact that the scene of a hometown is converted by the concrete bank for high tsunami. Although it is low cost, "the fore…

Mo-mo break゛{hag me!hag me!hag me!

paint it black"

The natural forest revival project for protecting a life.~From East Japan great earthquake revival.

YouTube≫The natural woods(forest) revival project for protecting a life. ⌒From East Japan great earthquake revival.http://m.youtube.com/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DM3xDaV0BugU&v=M3xDaV0BugU&gl=JPThis is introduction of the East Japan …

The natural woods revival project for protecting a life. ⌒From East Japan great earthquake revival.

YouTube≫The natural woods revival project for protecting a life. ⌒From East Japan great earthquake revival.http://m.youtube.com/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DM3xDaV0BugU&v=M3xDaV0BugU&gl=JPThis is introduction of the East Japan earthqua…

"Noah's ark" plan for tsunami by a local branch office is advancing! ё{From West Japan.

: This is a normal rescue(escape?) boat.One year will pass from March 11, last year soon. From experience of the East Japan earthquake disaster, the governmental Shikoku transportation office announced a plan to prepare a large-sized ark …