
Wild side゛{Freedom In The Given Alternatives >> The Gap In Colonial Period.⌒middle゛

[The Industrial Revolution of UK] ◆In 1534, the British king will establish Church of England. It seceded from Roman Catholic organization by king's Imperial edict. : In Britain, the political power struggle was made into the background an…

Break゛{A success is route to failure. Accumulation of failure is map to technical innovation.

If technical failure is observed, it will be said that repetition of a pattern, and the expansion and the simplification of a pattern based on success experience are there. And while a slight correction is repeated, people is faced with la…

Wild side´{Over The Divide.~The gap of learning in society order"

"⌒η~(∵~{I'm arranging about the circumstances where digital divide came to be canceled. In service of Livedoor (my Japanese environment)blog Pochi-midas >>This is the electric translation version from it.`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.【Gap of lea…

ё{To ancient times without an antenna, the expression of "digital divide" is strange.≫アンテナのない古代に「デジタル 何とか」って変じゃねえか?

⌒η~(∵~{ from digital divides ..change into the learning gap ..or into the access gap by poverty? ≫情報格差の代わりに「知識のギャップ」か、それとも貧困≫教育格差のため本人も知らない所で発生してる「情報ギャップ‥?」的な‥方か?ё{gap of learnin…

Congratch for learn"⌒η~(∵~{Let's drink salt of the earth~♪

{The missile events is over. But, some trouble not go away. : & Senkaku case is same too. "⌒Again, after trampling down the dignity of local-Okinawan people, next time, pride of Japan is more dependent on the overseas outrigger. It is be…

break{ Event & vacation゛

The follow-up involving rubble processing of East Japan earthquake disaster. Remembrance of FUMI-E.

The follow-up involving rubble processing of an East Japan earthquake disaster. The Japanese local goverment announced acceptance of rubble by the campaign by the government and the mass media the middle of the month in March.However, the …

Wild #{Last.戦争とメディア~デジタル化時代の情報格差―苦悩と希望をどう分かち合うか?ё{‥GOAL?

モバイル翻訳{回り道せょ=Detour゛・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・●1941年,大西洋憲章(米英の世界経済戦略協定)の合意.●1942年,Nスパイクマン「リムランド(環ユーラシア周辺地域)戦略セオリー」を提言.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・【新たな情報格差のはじまり】…