
In 1963, File:NY stock exchange traders floor LC-U9-10548-6.jpg https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NY_stock_exchange_traders_floor_LC-U9-10548-6.jpg Mental illness and war through history | Red Bulls: Beyond Deployment | Minnesota P…

Topic.5 〓言語学(輝きと影)_見直される言葉と世界観:Linguistics (blaze and shadow)_ Reconsideration to a word and a worldview:언어학. 말과 세계관에 대한 재검토:语言学。与言词对于世界观重新评估〓

☞ NYTimes.com http://mobile.nytimes.com/slideshow/2009/11/04/arts/10091104_CLAUDE_SLIDESHOW_5.html?source=images&cd=&ved=0CAMQjxw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2Fslideshow%2F2009%2F11%2F04%2Farts%2F10091104_CLAUDE_SLIDESHOW_5.html&ei=t-…

5.1_戦略的な世界観の果てに、その限界と向きあう国際社会:The end of strategic worldview_The world order confronted with this limit:전략적인 세계관, 그 한계와 마주 향하는 국제 사회:战略的的世界观,那个界限和相对的国际社会

【忘れられた津波、東日本大震災と奇跡的な経済回復:Forgotten tsunami, the eastern Japan great earthquake and miraculous recovery of economy:잊혀진 동일본 대지진과, 일본경제의 회복:被忘记的海啸,东日本大震灾和日本经济的奇迹的的复苏】 The A…

5.2 絶望と憎しみの連鎖_ テロリズム(蜃気楼)との戦争:Chain of despair and hate_ War with terrorism (mirage):절망과 증오의 연쇄_ 테러리즘(신기루)과의 싸워:绝望和憎恶的连锁_ 与恐怖主义(海市蜃楼)的战争

5.3 富の力とは何か:What is the power of wealth?:부의 힘란, 무엇인가? :所谓财富的力量,是什么?

https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HaLongBayBIG.jpg 【富の力とは何か_ その数字とは神のごとき声、高みからの声ほど人々はその小さな頂上に対して心理的に逆らいがたい:What is the power of wealth? The number will be voice of god_ As it is…