
This is also the same as when it receives the voice of a little less than 1% of Okinawa? Negotiation of 99 to 1 rebooted in Japan involving ospray&base. ..Rule of regional economy. Military power disposition based on battlefield assumption…

From atomic power to clean energy.. Germany had positioned nuclear-power in the alternative energy of COx instead of the main force from the first. : And since the policy shift has also faced the present condition, it is early. The bureau…

ё{danke schoen! Merkel & Germanian people゛

【YouTube - Africa - Football Trailer】 http://m.youtube.com/watch?gl=JP&hl=ja&client=mv-google&v=yBkeNTqg5sw: ё{Rather than it, let's investigate the colonial history of world゛~xwx{Wow゛【YouTube - El Sueno de Jimmy Grimble - trailer】…

Branch"{どう災害から家族を守るか: How is a family protected from tsunami?

: 地震直後、数分〜数十分で到達(とうたつ)する津波の威力。2011年3月11日、日本周辺で軍事的な緊張が深まる中、基地問題にゆれる沖縄でも「東日本大震災」を伝えたニュースは、海に囲まれて生きる人びとの意識を根っこから変えました。‥あれから1年半、日…

Break-time{The Dog was brainwashed.。゜

{By the shortage of idea using pictures, the play of dog is stopped for a while.≫写真ネタも尽きて来たので、ひとまず犬を使った遊びはこれまでとします。{Thank you゛

{Not ride on dinosaur, Becomes a bird feeling to direction. You see?

{The central belt area in Japan has escaped the course. a,ha..The same as case of a modern-city + nuclear plant concept.