
xwx{An uncertain and odd translation chapter.

あやふやで、ちぐはぐな翻訳文章。 : 英訳した文章を、邦文に翻訳し直したらめちゃくちゃな文章である。伝わらないでは、笑えないな。原因は、紛らわしい長文スタイルです。シンプルさが失われた文章の場合、マシンの推測によって言葉を置き換えてしまう。ё…

Mistake゛{Michele Wivieorka is not a Buddhistic priest.

Michele Wivieorka is a French sociologist. He is not a Buddhistic priest.The hairstyle is alike. ..Moreover, there is a mustache in the image of Budda. A priest does not have a mustache. In Japan, the name of a country is abbreviated to "…


Or the technique of losing reliance, such as directing the request Lord's popularity by daily-hire mobilization, was criticized. `・.・.・.` ・.・`・`・.・ .・`・.`・.・ .・.`・.・・. Can the world weave an exit? ..The exit of a route.…


●In 1951, Psychiatrist John Bowlby will release "attachment theory". >> He discovered by investigation of orphanage environment. It is that the warm exchange itself is a source of growth for a child. ●In 1952, a U.S. psychology meeting wil…

Wild V {The end of digitization gap. ~world can weave the exit for share route of hope & suffering?

ё{This is the report of supplementary & review. ●In 1759, Adam Smith of economics will release work "The theory of moral sentiments". >> He explained. Caring about the moral others' eyes, people perform self-regulation. It is forming socia…

{troublesome.: ★Naka of the heart..is inside of the heart.★In 1900, 義和団事件. {It is China,boxer ribellion.`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.◇1919, people will welcome next Emperor Taisho & nine-article Setsuko's marriage‥{Nine-article? ..It is Cha…

`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.

★February 8, 1943. Army division relief of Gadaru-kanaru-island is given up. ★ May 29, 1943. A dispatch army division is destroyed totally in north Attu. : Under the influence of this incident, early total destruction of the army division …

`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.

[The route to World War II] Exhaustion of European countries spreading by World War I. Confusion of Russia by a revolution. The China continent is confused. The nonintervention principle to a U.S. economic panic & foreign country strategy.…

Wild # {Gap Under The Modern War / Revolution, WW1, WW2

ё{Review゛ `・.・.・.`・. ・`・.A right fight of the public. Independence movement. Abolition of slavery. Revolutionary struggle.. In order for public opinion to influence even the national strategy, their governments had watch & interes…





今日は宜野湾の集会に行く予定だったが、1年ちかく放置状態の畑に行った。そして後片づけをした。`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.昨年の2月末に父ちゃんがダウン。救急のお医者さんに診てもらったら、即入院と言い渡された。 : 風邪ではなく「腎(じん)機能」の低…

The knowledge is introduced also into Japan which hurries modernization in the form which goes via the U.S. and Britain. In 1903, Yujiro Tsuda(Motora) established the psychology laboratory to Tokyo Imperial University. The psychology lesson was also prepa

ё{After this, it follows wild #.⌒η~(∵~{break, break, break゛

Wild side*2{Market & Network globalize.& psychology.⌒to #゛

In America & Europe.`・.・.・.`・. ・`・. [The Modern In divide, Under The extensive simultaneous distribution.]Review. {..In the world jumped from the 19th in the 20th century, the quantity of data rose by leaps and bounds by improvemen…

Wild side*1 {route To World War, & Into The Cold War.~Under The New Divide.⌒゛

{This is a literal translation text using an electronic translation tool from Japanese. In order to repeat additional & deletion & simplification, it reads and is hot. : λ~(∵~{Please understand the situation. Thank you.∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵ ∴ ∵[The …