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★February 8, 1943. Army division relief of Gadaru-kanaru-island is given up. ★ May 29, 1943. A dispatch army division is destroyed totally in north Attu. : Under the influence of this incident, early total destruction of the army division …

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[The route to World War II] Exhaustion of European countries spreading by World War I. Confusion of Russia by a revolution. The China continent is confused. The nonintervention principle to a U.S. economic panic & foreign country strategy.…

Wild # {Gap Under The Modern War / Revolution, WW1, WW2

ё{Review゛ `・.・.・.`・. ・`・.A right fight of the public. Independence movement. Abolition of slavery. Revolutionary struggle.. In order for public opinion to influence even the national strategy, their governments had watch & interes…