Mistake゛{Michele Wivieorka is not a Buddhistic priest.


Michele Wivieorka is a French sociologist. He is not a Buddhistic priest.

The hairstyle is alike. ..Moreover, there is a mustache in the image of Budda. A priest does not have a mustache.

In Japan, the name of a country is abbreviated to "仏(Futsu) sign" from sound to France.
This Sound to Buddhistic Futsu is also making the sign serve a double purpose.

China is 中(tyu).
The United States is 米(bei).
South Korea is 韓(kan,han).
Russia is 露(ro).
Germany is 独(doc).
Italy is 伊(ie).
The Netherlands is 蘭(lan).
Britain is 英(ei).
Australia is 豪(go).
The Philippines is 比(he).

It seems that all Europeans had been called "Woolander" in Okinawa of the Ryukyu age since the first European to encounter was a Dutch.

ё{…It is trying to deceive a mistranslation.

λ~(∵~{Wivieorka is different although Wikipedia is also resembled゛