Break゛{A success is route to failure. Accumulation of failure is map to technical innovation.


If technical failure is observed, it will be said that repetition of a pattern, and the expansion and the simplification of a pattern based on success experience are there.

And while a slight correction is repeated, people is faced with large disgrace. It is a point which also notices ordinary us, when comparing a copycat product with original.

According to Yoichiro Hatamura of dangerous engineering, it is taught that experience of the engineer who knows the developmental pattern of failure has invented technical innovation.

They took charge also of the nuclear power plant disaster investigation of Fukushima in Japan.

It was reported that the cause was determined by not only tsunami and earthquake, systematic idleness, and the responsibility absence.

`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.
YouTube - 畑村洋太郎 福島原発事故調査・検証委員会委員長 2011.6.22

ё{A success is route to failure.

`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.






λ~(∵~{& Accumulation of failure is map to technical innovation.