

★Naka of the heart..is inside of the heart.

★In 1900, 義和団事件.
{It is China,boxer ribellion.

`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.

◇1919, people will welcome next Emperor Taisho & nine-article Setsuko's marriage‥

{Nine-article? ..It is Character translation error of name, reading is Kujo(middle-name). ё{Setsuko Kujo is her name ?

{yes, it is!

`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.

◆In 1919, May.4,"5.4 movement" will spread in various parts of China. << 1915, Japan pressed for official document-ization about rule of the railroads network of China northeast area & Shang-dong & Liaodong Bandao. Therefore, people band together by anti-daily motion.

{Anti-daily? ..right answer is anti-Japanese motion, It is prime riot for Japanese. Word mark of 日(nichi,he,iru,jitu..) is make translation error. Kanji is complex, but It is convenience ♪

`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.

ё{Hey, Not error, It is your mistake of check. How about trying re-contribution?

λ~(∵~{don't think. ..It feels