
Topic.5~War carved / Okinawa-round in Pacific War ⌒η~(∵~{ Modern War.

д"{クソ…事件の受験生より,オレが動揺してどうなる!&直し!【刻まれる戦争 / War carved】Modern war is the development of the weapon which it is portablility, and improved casualties power, a mass productivity, an opening of a large injection.…

Topic.6~ Trial to hand down / Okinawa-round in Pacific War ⌒η~(∵~{ Modern War.

"{ゆくし…モバイル翻訳は,誤訳だらけ!?/発覚・京大試験カンニング事件より。 Щ ≡■■■■■■■■■゛ 【A trial to hand down】With the damage by the war, it was kept away from piteousness and terror unconsciously once.Through a voice by the person who r…

Topic.5~War carved / Okinawa-round in Pacific War ⌒η~(∵~{ Modern War.

д"{クソ…事件の受験生より,オレが動揺してどうなる!【刻まれる戦争 / War carved】Modern war is the development of the weapon which it is portable, and improved casualties power, a mass production, an opening of a large quantity of injection.I…