Route to China {中国にまつわる8つのキーワード。



..経 : 縦糸=  Warp of Textを読む作業。
(5)仏教。三蔵法師禅宗 の教え。日本へ。



Since the keyword collection related to China has too many keys, it gets confused. 
Then, the following eight items are widely followed shallowly using the data of Wikipedia with the rental book of a library.

(1) The nature of ancient China. 

(2) Kanji character. Thought of fortune-telling(占術) and feng shui(風水). .. learning work about 経(kei) : Warp of Text. 

(3) Politics by an imperial government. Han Fei-tzu(韓非子) and Confucian(儒教) thought. 

(4) The art of war. Sun-tzu(孫子). 

(5) Buddhism(仏教).  A priest translator of a sutra,  Tin-e. 
and Master Dharma and Shaolin (Zen Buddhism) Instruction. ≫To Japan. 

(6) Taoism(道教) and Eastern medicine. 

◆1192, Completion of the Marco Polo bridge(盧溝橋). 

(7) Resistance in colonial days. Three revolutions. 

(8) The way of a cold war ,and release in reforming. 

ё{Have a break time, please"