
ё {한글어 버전

text≫삼림의 황폐 문명의 성쇠(야스다(安田) 요시노리(喜憲)). 【기후+삼림/자연질서의 기억】 유라시아 대륙의 중앙부에는, 히말라야 산맥*이 있습니다. 그 동쪽의 대지에도, 예전에 대삼림 지대가 뻗쳐 있었습니다. 그것은 도토리를 익히는 수목의 숲입니…


【气候+森林/自然地秩序的记忆】 在欧亚大陆中央部,有喜马拉雅山*。到那个东侧的大地,也以前大森林地带蔓延着。那是橡树果使之结实的树木的森林。从春天开始夏天左右,来自喜马拉雅*南方的风运送雨云。栎和山毛榉。栗子。银杏。樟木。松。杉和丝柏。根据那…

Route2China{古代中国の自然秩序,社会秩序をめぐる古代戦争. 日本語/韓国語/中国語/英国.

text≫森林の荒廃 文明の盛衰(安田喜憲). 【気候+森林/自然秩序の記憶】ユーラシア大陸の中央部には、ヒマラヤ山脈*があります。その東側の大地にも、かつて大森林地帯が広がっていました。それはドングリを実らせる樹木の森です。春から夏頃、ヒマラヤ*南…

ё{もうしばらく、お待ちください。Please already wait for a while. 已经好久未见,请等候。 잠시, 기다려 주십시오.


ё{ ごたごたが邪魔 ≫The trouble is obstructive"


Route to China {中国にまつわる8つのキーワード。

..λ=(∵"{中国にまつわるキーワード集めは、手掛りが多すぎるために混乱します。そこでウィキペディアのデータを利用して次の八項目を広く浅く辿ります。図書館が貸す本と一緒に。(1)古代中国の自然史。(2)漢字文字。占術と風水の思想。..経 : 縦糸= Warp of…

Paste {Mika Yamamoto's works English/中国語/韓国語/日本語 from Wikipedia.

Mika Yamamoto.http://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B1%B1%E6%9C%AC%E7%BE%8E%E9%A6%99#section_2Disaster coverage and war coverage is also the same. A child and a woman fall victim there. Indifference can be prevented by coverage. But by people…


Probably, there was a start route besides the Marco Polo bridge?λ=(∵"{〃〃〃〃! なるほど。それならば、仕方がない。xwx {+!..Indeed. It is unavoidable if it is right. {Don't play a trick..


何度となく。寝起きの目覚まし時に、(充電のまま)落下をくりかえしてたら..とうとう携帯のプラグが中身から取れてしまいました。≫ 気をつけよう。 盧溝橋(ろこうきょう) : マルコポーロ橋。 アジアにおける戦争&メディアは、この場所から時間をさかのぼりま…

This is also the same as when it receives the voice of a little less than 1% of Okinawa? Negotiation of 99 to 1 rebooted in Japan involving ospray&base. ..Rule of regional economy. Military power disposition based on battlefield assumption…

From atomic power to clean energy.. Germany had positioned nuclear-power in the alternative energy of COx instead of the main force from the first. : And since the policy shift has also faced the present condition, it is early. The bureau…

ё{danke schoen! Merkel & Germanian people゛

【YouTube - Africa - Football Trailer】 http://m.youtube.com/watch?gl=JP&hl=ja&client=mv-google&v=yBkeNTqg5sw: ё{Rather than it, let's investigate the colonial history of world゛~xwx{Wow゛【YouTube - El Sueno de Jimmy Grimble - trailer】…

Branch"{どう災害から家族を守るか: How is a family protected from tsunami?

: 地震直後、数分〜数十分で到達(とうたつ)する津波の威力。2011年3月11日、日本周辺で軍事的な緊張が深まる中、基地問題にゆれる沖縄でも「東日本大震災」を伝えたニュースは、海に囲まれて生きる人びとの意識を根っこから変えました。‥あれから1年半、日…

Break-time{The Dog was brainwashed.。゜

{By the shortage of idea using pictures, the play of dog is stopped for a while.≫写真ネタも尽きて来たので、ひとまず犬を使った遊びはこれまでとします。{Thank you゛

{Not ride on dinosaur, Becomes a bird feeling to direction. You see?

{The central belt area in Japan has escaped the course. a,ha..The same as case of a modern-city + nuclear plant concept.

News.{Aoi's heart operation is successful. Aoi is A small baby. Progress is also good.

Although it was her who made a voyage in November, last year, the urgent operation was undergone due to the fall of the cardiac function. Since the recovery was good, it was judged that there was no necessity for transplant surgery. This n…

6.23{The leafleteer in Komesu(Konpaku) & Mabuni in a morning.≫ finish.

To last time, he studied about the strategy of mass media & public opinion. At last, I took a rest and was able to return to the original theme. Is the priority in Japan determined by what? The cooling-off period of the view came by having…



ё{You forget the care manager゛ケアマネージャーを忘れてるぞ…の件⌒η~(∵~{auch!

{Care manager(C-M). The Japanese special care supporter is the occupation which had qualification authorized from an administrative district. C-M is a role of support of the required old-man + family of care. C-M considers the quality of…

pick up"{Miyagi Prefecture conducts the actual proof experiment of the green artificial dike.

{The searched news is translated. : May 26, 2012. The tree-planting event was performed in the park near the airport in Miyagi Prefecture Iwanuma. The ground was beforehand carried into the foundation using a scrap wood & concrete fragment…

xwx{An uncertain and odd translation chapter.

あやふやで、ちぐはぐな翻訳文章。 : 英訳した文章を、邦文に翻訳し直したらめちゃくちゃな文章である。伝わらないでは、笑えないな。原因は、紛らわしい長文スタイルです。シンプルさが失われた文章の場合、マシンの推測によって言葉を置き換えてしまう。ё…

Mistake゛{Michele Wivieorka is not a Buddhistic priest.

Michele Wivieorka is a French sociologist. He is not a Buddhistic priest.The hairstyle is alike. ..Moreover, there is a mustache in the image of Budda. A priest does not have a mustache. In Japan, the name of a country is abbreviated to "…


Or the technique of losing reliance, such as directing the request Lord's popularity by daily-hire mobilization, was criticized. `・.・.・.` ・.・`・`・.・ .・`・.`・.・ .・.`・.・・. Can the world weave an exit? ..The exit of a route.…


●In 1951, Psychiatrist John Bowlby will release "attachment theory". >> He discovered by investigation of orphanage environment. It is that the warm exchange itself is a source of growth for a child. ●In 1952, a U.S. psychology meeting wil…

Wild V {The end of digitization gap. ~world can weave the exit for share route of hope & suffering?

ё{This is the report of supplementary & review. ●In 1759, Adam Smith of economics will release work "The theory of moral sentiments". >> He explained. Caring about the moral others' eyes, people perform self-regulation. It is forming socia…

{troublesome.: ★Naka of the heart..is inside of the heart.★In 1900, 義和団事件. {It is China,boxer ribellion.`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.◇1919, people will welcome next Emperor Taisho & nine-article Setsuko's marriage‥{Nine-article? ..It is Cha…

`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.

★February 8, 1943. Army division relief of Gadaru-kanaru-island is given up. ★ May 29, 1943. A dispatch army division is destroyed totally in north Attu. : Under the influence of this incident, early total destruction of the army division …

`・.・.・.`・. ・`・.

[The route to World War II] Exhaustion of European countries spreading by World War I. Confusion of Russia by a revolution. The China continent is confused. The nonintervention principle to a U.S. economic panic & foreign country strategy.…

Wild # {Gap Under The Modern War / Revolution, WW1, WW2

ё{Review゛ `・.・.・.`・. ・`・.A right fight of the public. Independence movement. Abolition of slavery. Revolutionary struggle.. In order for public opinion to influence even the national strategy, their governments had watch & interes…